Sunday, 27 May 2012

Truth Will Prevail. Amen.

Journal of Heber C. Kimball : an elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, giving an account of his mission to Great Britain, and the commencement of the work of the Lord in that land; also the success which has attended the labors of the elders to the present time

Extracts from the journal of Elder Heber C. Kimball, circa July 1837

pages 16-18

page 21

You can read Elder Kimballs' full journal here below.

London "this great city"

The word of the Lord to the citizens of London, of every sect and denomination: and to every individual into whose hands it may fall--showing forth the plan of salvation as laid down in the New Testament, presented by two of the Elders of the Church (1840)

The last paragraph from a short book which was produced by Heber C. Kimball and Wilford Woodruff, which was designed for their proselyting in London. 

"of this great city!"

Got to love a bit of Apostolic rebuking.

It also mentions a couple of locations which featured prominently in early LDS history in London.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Lancaster Ward News

Lancaster Ward Library Archives 

Scanned on 20th May 2012

1912 Healing Miracle

(Page 294) OCTOBER, 1912. Friday 18 ) (292-74) Grimmett and I left on the noon train for Adlington to see the sick (Sister Sharples) I was surprised to see a very marked improvement in her. The doctor had given up all hopes and said death was certain, but through faith and prayer the powerof the Lord had put her on the road to recovery.

A Letter Home from a missionary

Elder Newton R. Jackson writes back home to his fellow students at BYU.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

A Penwortham Saint

      William Clayton

    • 17 July 1814–4 Dec. 1879. Bookkeeper, clerk. Born at Charock Moss, Penwortham, Lancashire, England. 
    • Son of Thomas Clayton and Ann Critchley. 
    • Married Ruth Moon, 9 Oct. 1836, at Penwortham. 
    • Baptized into LDS church by Heber C. Kimball, 21 Oct. 1837, in River Ribble, Lancashire. 
    • Ordained a priest, Dec. 1837, in Lancashire. 
    • Ordained a high priest by Heber C. Kimball and Orson Hyde, 1 Apr. 1838, at Preston, Lancashire. 
    • Served as second counselor in British mission presidency, 1838–1840. 
    • Immigrated to Nauvoo, Hancock Co., Illinois, 1840. Served as clerk of high council in Iowa Territory, 1841. Member of Nauvoo Masonic Lodge. Served as recorder and scribe to JS, 1842–1844, at Nauvoo. 
    • Appointed secretary of Masonic lodge, city treasurer, and temple recorder, Sept. 1842, at Nauvoo. 
    • Participated in plural marriage during JS's lifetime. Clerk of first company of pioneers to Utah, Apr.–Aug. 1847. Wrote and published Latter-day Saint Emigrants’ Guide, 1847–1848. Died at Salt Lake City.

    The Missionaries of the Church: Statistics

    Historical information from the Church Almanac.


    Linked from:

    Early Church Photographs - 1957

    The following are a selection of English early LDS Church photographs.

    The Preston Branch Sunday School
    Taken when on a outing to the Zoo and Circus

    The York Branch Primary Outing
    Outing to Scarborough

    Colchester Branch
    Excursion to the London Temple site

    Latter-day Saints gathered for the Cornerstone Laying ceremony

    West Drayton Branch
    Outing to Stratford-on-Avon

    Grimsby Branch Supper

    Nottingham District
    Outing to Newstead Abbey

    I do not, in any way own these photographs.
    Gratefully rendered by: Keepatitchinin, you will find more information and images by visiting them.
    Presented and produced by: Ardis E. Parshall 

    Friday, 18 May 2012

    1854/1855: Elder Andrew Ferguson

    View 1854/5: Branches of the Church as visited by Andrew Ferguson in a larger map

    Click here for more information about Elder Andrew Ferguson, an early Church missionary to Lancashire.

    Elder Oliver Boardman Huntington - 1847

    Oliver Boardman Huntington

    [12] Friday Apr. 30 th 1847. We were both preparing to leave Preston on the day following, he to Clitheroe and I to Holme and Kendal in the north. That day I had 2 fiddles give to me. One by Isaac Noles the other by John Bond. In the evening Brother Jacobs did not go to Council meetings; -- I went and presided, and got the appointment of preaching at Southport to be filled for the next Sunday and the one following, and it was my intention to have Elders go there from Preston regularly for the work was prospering in that place. Preston was the oldest church in England and some pretty smart Elders were there. Saturday May 1 st 1847. I went on the Railroad to Lancaster, 21 miles, and when within 8 miles of there, the Train stoped at [page 13] a Station, and to my surprise, in steped Bro. W m Wignal from Preston, into the same carriage I was in, when there was a dozen others he might have got into as well. He was going near to Holme and when we got to Lancaster I persuaded him to go with me to Holme and spend the Sabath. We searched for Brethren in Lancaster but found none, so we walked on, 13 miles to Holme, where I found the Saints in a bad condition; low and dull spirited; had no meetings for want of being rebaptized. The Presiding Elder Thomas Beck was of little energy and force, while his wife ruled him, and others contend ed as they would with one another. Darkness had come over them for want of being visited and livened up with a brighter head than was there, the same as every person and every people, wanted to drink from a higher fountain once in a while to give them new life, and like the [page 14] rolling stone, must have a new impetus now an then to keep it constantly onward. Sunday evening I rebaptized some and left the finishing to do on the Thursday night following when I should return from Kendal, where I went on Monday May 3 rd 1847 and Bro Wignal went his way to Ray. I preached 3 times at Holme on Sunday. At Kendal I found the Saints doing well and strong in the faith o only waiting for warm weather to come, to commence preaching out doors, as people would not go to our house of worship, and there seemed to be a strong desire in the Elders & Priests to do their duty to their neighbours in giving them the Gospel. One thing I found there, that I did not expect. The boy that I baptized when first there [page 15] was buried the Saturday before, also his brother younger was dead, and before I came away his grand Mother died. The boys name was Robert Musgrave, some of Abriham Musgrave. The Saints were glad to see me and only regreted that I was to stay no longer. They manifested a good and warm feeling towards me and also the cause. I saw they were doing well and concluded to make a short stay there, and give the more time to others that were in a worse condition than they.

    Elder Huntington's journal can be accessed here.

    This Google Map Project outlines a rough guide to his ministry as contained in this excerpt:

    View Larger Map

    Biography of Elder Huntington

    Oliver Boardman Huntington was born to William Huntington and Zina Baker on 14 October 1823, in Watertown, Jefferson County, New York. He father was a religious man, but was convinced that the true church of God was not present on the earth. Around 1832 the family was first introduced to the Book of Mormon and William immediately believed it, and began sharing it with his neighbors. In 1835 Oliver’s parents and two siblings were baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The next year they moved to Kitland, Ohio to join the saints, and Oliver was baptized there at the age of thirteen by Hyrum Smith. During the troubles at Kirland the Huntington house was used as a hiding place for the leaders of the church including Joseph Smith Sr., and for the Egyptian mummies obtained by the prophet.
    Oliver’s family moved with the saints in 1838 to Adam-Ondi-Ahman, Missouri where he was a first-hand witness to mob violence and persecution. After the expulsion of the Mormons from Missouri the next year, the Huntingtons relocated to Nauvoo, Illinois. Shortly after their arrival in 1839, Oliver’s mother died. Life was difficult for Oliver and his family at this time, especially as church persecution increased.
    In 1843 Oliver was ordained an elder and called on a mission to western New York, where he served for just over a year. While on his mission he learned to rely on the Lord. On one instance, after a difficult experience, he records in his journal: “There was plety [sic] of woods close at hand, and I soon saught [sic] the inmost recesses thereof to supplicate my God, and give vent to my feelings in a profuse flood of tears.”1 While on his mission he met Mary Melissa Neal, whom he married on 17 August 1845 upon returning to New York that same year. She would bear him three children over the course of their marriage.
    On 11 July 1846 Oliver was called on a second mission, this time to Great Britain. He records the next day: “I was glad of the call—glad to be useful and actively engaged for the Lord in the ministry.”2 In England and Wales he labored alongside Parley P. Pratt, John Taylor, Orson Hyde and other prominent leaders of the church. After one missionary conference with these apostles he remarked that “it was a general time of joy, of rejoicing and praising our good Father! Every heart was full, and every countinance [sic] enlivening.”3 He served for one year before returning to the United States, arriving in New York on 11 August 1847.
    In 1848 he migrated to Utah in the Brigham Young Company, departing from Winter Quarters, Nebraska on June 5 and arriving in the Salt Lake Valley in late September. His wife, however, refused to accompany him. In 1849 he journeyed to New York to be with his wife and convince her to move to Utah. Finally in 1852 they, with their three children and her parents, crossed the plains in the Henry W. Miller Company, departing Kanesville, Iowa on July 8 and arriving in Salt Lake City in late September.
    The marriage, however, did not last long and they were divorced. Oliver then married Hannah Mendenhall Sanders on 25 November 1852. They moved to Springville, Utah County, Utah, where she bore him nine children. Oliver also married Elvira Stesen in polygamy on 28 December 1856, but that marriage only lasted for four years before they divorced. In Springville Oliver worked as a school teacher and farmer. On 6 April 1855 Oliver was called on a third mission, this time to the Elk Mountain Mission, to preach to the Native Americans. This mission was disbanded after only a few months due to a massive Indian attack. In 1857 Oliver was called by Brigham Young to go to the Carson Valley settlement in Nevada and have them return to Utah to help face Johnston’s army. He also participated in exploratory expeditions to the Moab and St. George area of Utah.
    In addition to being a school teacher, Oliver was a major beekeeper and hence honey and sugar producer in Utah. In 1892 he was chosen as president of the Utah Bee-Keepers Association. In this capacity he helped eradicate the foul brood disease that was plaguing the business in the late 1800s, and negotiated large contracts with honey distributors from the East. On 7 February 1907, Oliver passed away at home in Springville at the age of eighty-three

    Influential Early LDS Members

    A number of Latter-day Saints are referred to throughout Missionary Diaries and other Primary Sources, here is a list of them, if you happen to know anything about them, please send me a message or leave a comment.Sister Lancaster (Elder Newton's journal) pg 113
    Sister Swindlehurst (Elder Newton's journal) pg 284
    Florrie Haworth (Elder Newton's journal) pg 328
    Sister Reid (Elder Newton's journal) pg 331
    Parkers (from Preston?) (Elder Newton's journal) pg 331
    Crooks (from Preston?) (Elder Newton's journal) pg 331
    Southworths (from Preston?) (Elder Newton's journal) pg 331

    1883 Missionary Visit to Lancaster

    This is an extract from the The Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star Vol45page 556-560.
    This 'Abstract of Correspondance', contains an extract of a letter between Elder Henry Leyland President John H. Smith. Pages 557 and 558 relate to the Lancaster area, where Elder Leyland describes the receptivity of the people to the Gospel message as he and Elder Druce re-opened the Lancaster and Barrow-in-Furness area for missionary work. The letter was dated as August 19th 1883. This letter therefore, serves as an insightful 19th century piece of Lancastarian Latter-day Saint history.

    (Key aspects of the letter have been boxed in red)

    In case anyone is wondering, this map gives you some idea of the area they covered in this mission tour/visit/expansion. (Around 50 miles from Lancaster to Askham, where they held meetings). Additional meetings were held in Barrow-in-Furness and Dalton-in-Furness (simply referred to as Dalton by Elder Leyland).

    Historic LDS Locations in Lancaster

    Mention is made of numerous locations in and around Lancaster where missionaries of the Church, worked, lived and met for worship.

    Here is a selection of historic Lancaster maps to aid you in the cognitive reconstruction of a missionaries experience.

     This map was published in 1846, it provides a useful understanding to the basic schematics of Lancaster.
    This map was published in the early-mid 20th century (1931)

    Published at the end of the 19th century, this would have been familiar to many of the early Church missionaries (1891)

    A basic layout of Lancaster in the early 19th century (1824)

    View Lancaster Sites of Early LDS Importance in a larger map

    Brother L. J. Nuttall

    Photograph of L. J. Nuttall (courtesy of Signature Books: Further Information regarding L. J. Nuttall)

    Further information regarding L. J. [John] Nuttall can be found here and here.

    This letter from Elder J. L. Bunting to President Budge highlights a number of nearby locations such as Lancaster, Skerton, Ulverstone, Barrow-in-Furness and Askam.

    Brother L.J. Nuttall appears to have been an influential character in the early establishment of the Church here in Lancaster. Within this letter, mention is made of the Nuttall family who were open and receptive to the gospel. Bunting and Elder Crane felt that "a good work can be done in that vicinity".

    L. J. Nutall would go on to become the private secretary and confidant of John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff. Whilst he had returned back to America at the end of his mission (1874-1875), he appeared to refer his family to the missionaries, even after he had left the area.

    The Mormon Missionary: Elder J. L. Bunting
    This is an extract from the journal of Elder Bunting; it describes and corroborates the above letter which describes the Elders travel to Lancaster to visit L. J. Nuttall's family.

    "Left Preston pr. 10-40 express to Lancaster visited L. J. Nuttall's relatives - cousins Mrs Dawson Church St. thence to the Co, Asylum where we were kindly received."

    These handwritten accounts were penned in 1880, this second extract relates the way in which some non-members treated and viewed 'Mormon Elders'.

    (page 78) Lancaster Jan 1880 by Mr & Mrs John L. Standen who took me through the Asylum which contained about one thousand inmates including patients and attendents. The very bestarrangement & order existed through out the establishm ent considering the wretched condition of many of the poor creaturs whose featurs were terrible to look upon Mr Standen was a Catholic and took us through the new Church - he accompanied us to Mr. J. Pye's of Skerton where we met with two other brothers all treated us kindly; their Mother an old Lady 88 years of age (Elder Nuttall's Aunt) was confined to her room. We returned to Mrs Dawson's but were treated rather coldly we had requested her to secure us lodging's which she did at the White Heart - we therefore retired having discovered Mrs Dawson was of the Catholic faith and kept her daughters in the back room - evidently having no desire to let them make acquaintence with "Mormon" Elders. W. 6 R. 23.

    Elder Bunting later returned to Lancaster numerous times to revisit L. J. Nuttall's relatives a he sought to help them to come unto Christ. He left them with numerous 'tracts' and other church material.

    This following description defines and elaborates more about who Elder James L. Bunting was, including his pre and post mission details.
    James Lovett Bunting was born on 5 October 1832 at Attleborough, Norfolk County, England, to Thomas Bunting and Early Lovett. As a young man he was apprenticed to a boot-maker and soon mastered that trade. In 1853 missionaries converted him to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and he received the ordinance of baptism on March 7. Soon thereafter he was ordained an elder and called to labor as a missionary in his homeland. He served in the Norwich and Manchester Conferences, and in 1857 became president of the latter. Many of the church members in England at this time were completely destitute, a situation described by James in his journal: “Many of the saints are in the depths of poverty and I scarce know where or how to obtain bread for the day.” Despite this, he kept a positive attitude, often writing that he “felt unspeakably happy and filled with the spirit of our God.”
    Due to the approach of Johnston’s Army on Utah, many elders from Utah were called home to defend the territory. James decided to emigrate to Utah in company with some of these returning missionaries. They departed from Liverpool, England aboard the ship Empire on 16 February 1858. Of this voyage he recorded: “I was appointed cook, but my labors were very light for several days, as most of the passengers were seasick.” After arriving in New York City, he traveled to Florence, Nebraska, and joined the John W. Berry Company to make the overland trek to Utah. The company arrived in the Salt Lake Valley on 21 June 1858. After peace was negotiated with Johnston’s Army, James worked as a policeman in Salt Lake City and established his own tannery there. He also served as a captain in the militia during the Black Hawk War in 1866.
    In Salt Lake City on 15 May 1859, James married Harriet Dye, also of Norfolk County, England. She bore him thirteen children, ten of whom lived to maturity. In 1870 the Buntings were called, with twenty-five other families, on a settlement mission to Kanab, Kane County, Utah. Accordingly, James immediately took his wife and four young children and made the four-week journey to Kanab, arriving on 2 December 1870. There he engaged in farming, tanning, and shoemaking, and also captained the militia and served on the school board. In the church he labored as bishop’s clerk and as the first choir director in Kanab. As there were no hotels in Kanab for several years, James frequently opened his home to passing travelers. On 18 April 1877 Lorenzo Snow ordained James a high priest in the church. That same year he was also appointed to be Stake Superintendent of Sunday Schools and second counselor in the presidency of the newly-formed Kanab Stake.
    James received a call to return to England as a missionary on 6 April 1878. On 18 May 1878 Orson Pratt and Joseph F. Smith set him apart and ordained him for the work. After arriving in England his mission president appointed him to preside over the Liverpool Conference. He was instrumental in establishing a Relief Society and Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association in Liverpool, the first time either of these Church organizations had been established in Great Britain. James spent much time and energy collecting his genealogy and preaching to his relatives, bearing “a faithful testimony to them.” Although homesick at times, he firmly believed that he was in God’s service, stating: “The faith of the everlasting gospel still burns in my bosom and although far away from those dear to me…I feel to rejoice in my labors and to thank God for the privilege of coming on this mission.” After two years in Great Britain, James was released and he returned home in May 1880.
    Upon his return from Great Britain, James married Ann Ashurst as a plural wife in 1881. James continued to serve in the Kanab Stake as second counselor in the stake presidency until 1884 when he was called to be a high counselor. After the death of his first wife Harriet, on 26 January 1893, James returned to his homeland a final time to conduct genealogical research. In 1896 he married Hester Mayer and was called to work in the St. George Temple. He also served as city councilman of St. George. James Lovett Bunting died at the age of ninety-one on 20 November 1923 in Provo, Utah, and was subsequently buried in Kanab. He was remembered as being “strictly honest, an indefatigable worker, and a man who would never betray a trust.”

    Meeting in Lancaster

    Meeting in Lancaster.
    Interesting piece. This 1897 entry indicates that there was only one member of the Church in Lancaster, at least in 1897. With missionary work beginning from at least 1840, it would seem that Lancaster saw most if not all of its LDS population emigrate to the Americas. Emigration parties such as those led by L. J. Nuttall might shed further light into the reason why at the commencement of the 20th century there were so few LDS in Lancaster.

    The development of the church in this period is indicative of new church expansion into previously relatively unsuccessful areas. The nature and composition of the Lancaster public is elucidated and uncovered in this report.

    The Riley Family

    The Riley FamilyArguably one of the first LDS families in Lancaster. J.H Riley has been recorded as being in 1897, the only LDS member in Lancaster. In the 23rd March 1899 edition of the Millenial Star. Sadly, this piece of news was to report on his sons death (William Riley).

    John Heskey Riley (1855-1929) married Margaret Betsy Nickson (1851-1933) on 8th January 1879 in Lancaster, Lancashire. They had 11 children;
    • Margaret Elizabeth Riley (1879-1879)
    • Christopher Riley (1881-1919)
    • Elizabeth Riley (1883-1883)
    • Agnes Ann Riley (1884-1974)
    • John Hesketh Riley Jr. (1886-1970)
    • Joshua Riley (1889-1952)
    • Margaret Betsy Riley (1892-????)
    • Elizabeth Ellen Riley (1892-1940)
    • Joseph Riley (1894-1894)
    • William Riley (1897-1899)
    • Clara Riley (1899-1988)
    John Heskey Riley was baptised on 13th November 1891. He later received temple ordinances from the Salt Lake City Utah Temple on 9th June 1910, along with his wife. Margaret Riley (nee Nickson) was baptised on 12th July 1898 and then later went to the temple with her husband.

    The seven year difference between the baptism of husband and wife is interesting, whilst numerous theories could be offered, unless additional records are unearthed, we may never know why they were not baptised at the same time. 

    The Assignment of Missionaries in Lancaster

    Establishment of the Church in Lancaster
    The Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star Vol61 (1899) - June 1st 1899

    It seems the 1890s were a time of real growth for the church, President Merrill reports of favourable conditions for the growth of the Church in the Lancaster area.

    Two weeks later...
    After President Merrill's optimistic letter, two missionaries were sustained and assigned to labour in Lancaster, J. E. Taylor and J. H. Bodily.


    Afraid The Truth Will Be Accepted

    Afraid The Truth Will Be Accepted (April 15th 1897)

    This piece offers an interesting perspective on Lancasters LDS history at the close of the 19th Century. Prior to the arrival of Elders in Lancaster (circa 25th April 1897), newspaper editors appear to have attempted to limit and influence prospective investigators away from the truth, whilst attempting to appear balanced and objective. Such opposition to the Church in this form is not uncommon during this period. 

    Abstract of Correspondance

    Further Evidence of LDS interaction with the Lancaster Populace

    This extract is taken from the 13th July 1899 edition of the Millenial Star.
    It shows three things, firstly - the attitudes and feelings of a recently baptised member in the late 19th century. Secondly, it illustrates that knowledge of the church was entering into the Lancaster area in a previously unrecorded guise. Personal letters of this description prove difficult to locate. Thirdly, it highlights some of the conditions and difficulties which LDS members and investigators were experiencing in Lancaster. Fascinating.

    A 'Greenie' in Lancaster

    Early 20th Century Missionaries in Lancaster
    Often in the Church, a new missionary can be referred to as a 'Greenie'. Someone who has just arrived on their mission and is working in their first area. Newton R. Jackson is an early 20th century 'greenie' whose first area was Lancaster. He had stayed at 1 Cavendish Street Lancaster.


    Page 73 MARCH, 1913. Wednesday 12 (71-294) I received an urgent invitation to attend a social atLancaster, it being a farewell for the Sycamore family who were going to emigrate to Brigham City. Having refused several former invitations, I decided to accept this one. Owens & I mounted our wheels and rode up together. It was a beautiful day and the ride was much enjoyed. Arrived just in time for dinner after which Wells, Owen and I took a spin to Morecambe where we enjoyed a few hours at the sea coast. In the evening at the social I meet all the saints and they were very pleased to see me, and I of course to see them. Lancaster being my first field of labor it made some vivid impressions upon my mind.

    Page 74 MARCH, 1913. Thursday 13 (72-293) After a night of misery (three in a bed) we arose had breakfast etc. The forenoon was devoted to visiting saints. About noon elders Wells, Owen, Swift and I rode our wheels over to Scotforth and tracted the town; from there we rode to Garstang and tracted a while. At this point we separated, Elder Wells returning to Lancaster and the rest of us coming to Preston. At night we tracted both houses at the Hippodrome where they were playing "At the Mercy of the Mormons". Elder Swift got cold feet and went back to Wigan to get out of tracting the show. While tracting the last performance we got tangled with a bunch of roughs, and came within an ace of getting our eyes blacked.

    (Page 155) JUNE, 1913. Monday 2 (153-212) Once more I find myself at mother Reid's eating "ham & eggs". At 11 o' clock A. M. we held a baptismal service and on the banks of the Lune River near Lancaster, and four persons were baptized in the river. After dinner we took our wheels and went tracting out to Warton, a small village near Carnforth Here we visited the old Wash- ington home and the church yard where the the ancestors of George Washington were buried.

    (Page 157) JUNE, 1913. Wednesday 4 (155-210) Our little trip to Lancaster was now over and with our pockets full of tracts we commenced our journey homeward, tracting the people as we passed them along the road. In distributing gospel liter- ature along the road; one never knows where he might be sowing seed in some honest heart. We can but sow the seed and God if he sees fit will bring forth the fruit.

    (Page 186) JULY, 1913. Thursday 3 (184-181) Went to Lancaster by an early train. Held our priesthood meeting at 85 Church St., at 11 o' clock: Elders Beeley and Nebeker were wel- comed in our midst. At 2 o' clock we sat down to an elaborate banquet prepared by the Elders and saints of Lancaster. Following the repast we went down on the "Giant-Ax" field and had a rousing good ball game. Score 42-32 in favor of the other side. It was a tie in the eight inning. A social was held in the evening where we all had a good time. My part of

    (Page 329) NOVEMBER, 1913. 27th after Sunday 23 Trinity. (327-38) In Lancaster my first field of labor as a missionary I was pleased indeed to see the saints and friends again and they in turn seemed very delighted to see me, how- ever they regretted very much the thoughts of me leaving for home. At the meeting the boys (Labrum & Nebeker) turned the time over to me and to my surprise I occupied it all, speaking fifty minutes. Being my first branch I sure felt to thank the saints for their kindness and support and the hearty welcome extended me on my arrival. L 2

    The missionaries held meetings (notably a Priesthood meeting) at 85 Church Street, Lancaster.

    Click here for more information on Newton Rumell Jackson.

    Lancaster Ward Easter Activity

    Lancaster Ward Easter Activity: Monday 9th April 2012

    by James Perry

    The Lancaster Ward activity was initially intended to take place at Williamson Park in Lancaster, however, the poor weather meant that it had to relocate to the Lancaster Chapel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There was a great turnout, with a wide variety of members turning up and participating (roughly 40-50 in attendance). For the children there was a bouncy castle, Easter Egg decorating, an easter egg hunt and other fun games. For the adults there was a nice mixture of board games, volleyball and socialising. The activity ran from 10am-1pm and enabled a wide variety of members to mingle and associate themselves with one another, a great opportunity for the Latter-day Saints of the Lancaster ward to mingle and strengthen one another. It was enjoyed by many and was a great way to spend Easter Monday. Hopefully many more activities will be available to strengthen  and uplift members and non-members in the Lancaster area. 

    Easter Egg decorating was a favourite amongst children and adults (including Elder Stubbs - Brisbane Australia and Elder Beard - Draper Utah).

    The primary children enjoyed themselves on the bouncy castle, easter egg hunt and other fun games.

    Meanwhile, adults managed to get a great volleyball game going.

    Extracts from Missionary Letters

    From Missionaries serving in Lancaster

    Elder Newton Jackson
    JacksonNewton Rvol11912

    (Page 13) JANUARY, 1912. Thursday 11 (11-355) Passed the forenoon by reading and gading up town. Elder Edmunds and I went out looking for a book sale. Received two letters from home one from mother and one from, Elvan, so sat down and answered them. We walked to Morecambe in the afternoon and held a cottage meeting at Sister Lancaster's Had two investigators out. After supper we returned home.

    (Page 20) JANUARY, 1912. Thursday 18 (18-348) Still snowing and very cold. In the forenoon I wentout gaffering. After dinner Elder Edmunds and I walked over to Morecambe to hold a cottagemeeting We had to walk against a very disagreeable blizzarg all the way. Went to SisterLancaster's and after tea we held our little meeting. Returned to Lancaster on the 9:10 train andwent to the Hippidrome where they were playing "The Victim of the Mormons". It was verydisgusting. After the show we got out at the door and passed tracts. One old woman tore up mytract and throwed it in my face and said take your old tract you w rotten thing. Ha-ha- said I.

    (Page 28) JANUARY, 1912. Friday 26 (26-340) Woke up with an awful headache, but after breakfast felt some better. When Edmunds left I became the treasurer for Lancaster branch, so I balanced up the tithing, star, fast offerings, rent and expense accounts and sent the money in to the office. In the afternoon Elder Tillotson and I got some films and walked out to the city park about 3 miles distant. The park is surrounded by a high rock wall and we entered it through some hugh iron gates. The whole enclosure was a garden of flowers and green trees. In the central part was a beautiful building erected by Lord Ashton in honor of one of his wives. Not far from here was a hot house containing all kinds of pretty plants and flowers, among which were various kinds of ferns, palms and lillies. All over the park were the finest of rock walks. Before retiring I went in Sister Simmond's and sang them a solo or two.

    (Page 64) MARCH, 1912. Saturday 2 (62-304) Sister Hartley called in the forenoon and we had her stay for dinner. I caught the 12:45 train for Preston, went up and spent a couple of hours with the Elders then Pres. Richards and I met Elder Reeder and a company from Lancaster and we all took a train to Burnley. At 8 o' clock we held a baptism at the public baths and it was there that I done did my first baptizing. There was a large crowd of saints present. After singing a couple of hyms and dedicating the water, Pres Richards spoke a few minutes. Then I went into the water and baptised in order as follows-- W m John Ren of Morecambe, Mrs. Jane Sycamore of Lancaster, and Miss Dora Robinson of Lancaster. After the services we all returned to Lancaster arriving at 10:30. Rode on a train from London at the rate of about 75 miles per hour.

    (Page 73) MARCH, 1912. Monday 11 (71-295) Rather overslept myself and was late for breakfast. It was a fine day so the Pres. and I went over in Skirten tracting. We had a awful time; crowds of people of people followed us around yelling. We returned to the lodge at 1 o 'clock and had dinner. At 2 o 'clock we went through the Lancaster castle and had the points of interest ex- plained to us by a guide. The oldest parts of the castle were built in 124 A.D. We were taken down in the dungeons where the old prisoners were kept and seen saw the old chains, handcuffs, Straight jackets etc that were used in olden times. Also went into the court rooms. Visited the place where people were hung and seen saw the ropes and apparatus that had hung many. The prisoners use to be branded with a hot iron the letter "M" was put on their hands in this way they could tell if they had been in jail before. Attended Rel. Society at night C 2